Networks: PDX911 Truth Alliance, Portland 911 Truth Alliance, Oregon Truth Alliance,
Contacts: Alex Ansary, Jennifer Wynhausen, Craig Lazo, "Ozzy" Thomson, Richard Frager, Glen Owen
Robert Guernsey- , | MyLife™
Hippy/spaceman/shaman wannabe with Amerindian leanings. Yet was unable to hear his spirit animals telling him to run as far from these conspiracy lunatics as possible. Was a member of Lazo's forum, but never posted:
Ran "longest running Portland 9/11 truth blog" according to one of the group's old websites:
"Roblux on Myspace">
It's a dead profile but the URL was
and a screen can be found in cache:
Making it the same myspace blog pushing pedo Thomson's Harley Guy Scam:
Screen of link to Craig Lazo's old forum from same blog:
Looks like "Rob" was in this shit up to his eyeballs with Lazo and Thomson. It's the kind of thing that puts a smile on conspiracy lying stalker thug's face:
Rob with Jennifer and Alex |
Apart from pimping the Harley Guy scam, Guernsey appears to be low key. If more info surfaces indicating otherwise, it'll be posted here.