Networks: Pdx 911 Truth, 911Portland Truth, WTC demolition blog,
Contacts: Ginny Ross, Petros Evdokas, Richard Frager, Jennifer Wynhausen, Mr. Thomas Potter
Pathological compulsive lying narcissist who plays the group's butt monkey to get sympathy. Will try to arrange "dates" so the group can use sex to control members. Will also attempt to acquire passwords not realizing tampering with an account is recorded by the email host. Needs to be seen as smart and knowledgeable making her stupidly reveal how much she knows about the group's slimy members, begging the question of how she came by the knowledge and why she stayed so long with these creeps.
Lamadrid will react with outraged butt hurt when her participation in any of the group's scams are exposed. Webster Tarpley is a particularly volatile berserk button; Lamadrid is known to retaliate by spamming pics of ex members at former group events like the David "Bait" Griffin event she sucked people into:

Being dumber than a box of rocks, Lamadrid doesn't see all she's doing is spreading proof she DID invited people under false pretenses to expose them to Nazi friendly cultists. It doesn't help that Craig Lazo almost always has the drop on these online tantrums, making the facade that Lamadrid doesn't work with Lazo or Jennifer Wynhausen all that harder to maintain to their dwindling followers.
One lie Lamadrid spread around was that someone in 2007 dropped her docs. Total bullshit; in 2006 she doxxed herself at the conspiracy website 911blogger:
But cultists habitually accuse others of doing what they're doing or planning to do, so it makes sense Lamadrid wanted to paint herself the victim. Before the shit hit the fan she was pumping all kinds of dupes in conspiracy circles:truthsearching2006I posted at Amazon under my real name, a month ago, when this book was first mentioned.Please note that people are invited to VOTE on the helpfulness of forum comments. (So far, 0 of 1 people have found my post helpful. I'm sad.)Sara LamadridPS I assume "they" know who I am already.Submitted by casseia (not verified) on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 6:11am.

Supposedly Lamadrid battled to keep Holocaust Denial out of a conspiracy event:
Arizona 9/11 Accountability Conference Removes Williams
Submitted by casseia on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 11:02pm
tags: Anti-Semitism conference Holocaust Denial Holocaust Revisionism local groups
Arizona 9/11 Truth, sponsor of the 9/11 Accountability Conference taking place in Chandler in late February, has removed Eric Williams from its list of speakers and from its program schedule. Earlier today, a post of mine noted that he had been re-titled on the conference website's "Contact Us" page from "Conference Director and Webmaster" to "Vendor Coordinator." He remains on the contact page in this reduced capacity.
Earlier this week, delver of TruthMove posted a blog alerting the 9/11 community to the fact that Williams is currently promoting a book with on Auschwitz which refers to the "alleged Holocaust."
Too bad she didn't battle as hard to get Tim "Holohoax" Titrud off her list, or warn anyone he was a Holocaust Denier, but several months later Lamadrid decided Holocaust Denial wasn't so bad after all:
The mother hen in meMoar denial:
Submitted by casseia on Tue, 2007-09-25 01:03.
which really is vestigial, used to send Real Truther emails when I became alarmed at the stress he was subjecting Jon Gold to. I did an impression of Scotty from Star Trek and would say things like "He kenna take much more, cap'n!" It's no victimization kick for him -- it's a LIFESTYLE. But watch out, because he looks like he's gonna blow.
Also, you're going to get in trubble for posting the David Cole video over there
By coincidence, some of these individuals believe in Holocaust Denial. However, it's not the bad kind of Holocaust Denial because the research they refer to was done by David Cole, a jew, and that's ok.David Cole is an attention whoring jewfag who figured he'd get the most claim to infamy by making a career of denying the Holocaust as a Jew. The JDL was not happy. Hilarity ensued.
In the end Cole recanted his Nazi faggorty , thus becoming a martyr to Holocaust Denier's everywhere and breathing new life into the conspiracy industry:
Statement of David ColePrepared January 2nd, 1998Note: CODOH has not heard from David Cole and does not have absolute confirmation of the validity of the document that follows. We ask that all intelligent readers read this carefully and compare it to David's earlier works. This statement appears on the JDL website, where it replaced the threats which perhaps led to it.
She has "fallen into" a group of people that think they "know" what happened on 9/11, and because they "know", they shun everything else promoted in this movement if it doesn't coincide with what is really their "pet theory." And their "pet theory" is that Israel was behind it.The evidence argues it was less of a fall and more diving in headfirst. But she might have been too stupid to notice their central Cole thesis was abandoned in 1998, so who knows what else she'll fall for. OTOH, she could just be pushing another scam, knowing it's a lie because lying is a habit Lamadrid just can't shake:
Here is casseia's version of what happened on "real truther's" newly created blog.We're guessing there's an email to prove this and there is no email to prove anyone was defending Lamadrid's so called honor or she would have published it. So yeah, that was a thing.
I'm a trouble-maker, and it's going to be all my fault when dz throws in the towel and shuts 911blogger down. 'Cause yesterday I made Albanese freak out and call me a "biddy" and today I got Gold so bent out of shape he told me to "Read my lips: Go fuck yourself." In order to defend my honor, as a member of the gentler sex, dz was forced to suspend both of them for the weekend.
Defending her honor as a member of the "gentler sex" had nothing to do with it. I asked dz to ban me.
Tinfoilwars and other group "Stalking" scams
The many lies Lamadrid has spread are too numerous to list, among them being harassed/attacked by Glen Owen in group meetings during 2006. BULLSHIT:
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006
From: "Glen Owen"
Re: Catholic Reptilian etc ... did somebody say ideal moderator?
A BIG THANK YOU for that post. I acknowledge that I should have
handled the problem postings sooner than I did.
Speaking only as an individual member, I find much of the forensic
evidence highly pursuasive. And some though not all of the looney
assertions reasonings and fake claims regarding ludicrous "evidence"
can be seen as as a psy-op seeking to invalidate legitimate evidence
as to how and why the 9/11/2001 event/s occurred.
I know a lot of people--including me!--really appreciate your level
headed, respectful critical thinking. The same strongly applies to
Sara Lamadrid (cassiea).
I hope you don't mind ... but I just added moderator functions to
your yahoogroup memberships. You will not be pelted with requests to
approve stuff. But when you think it's time to step in to edit
postings, individual memberships etc, you can do it whenever you
think it should be done.
Again I really appreciate your participation and concern for the
usefulness of this yahoogroup.
--- In pdx911truth@yahoogroups.com, "chimpanzen"
And Owen still supported Lamadrid enough to promote this interview on the group list-serve:
Date: 28 Dec 2006
New file uploaded to pdx911truth
This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the pdx911truth
File : /sound bytes/20061223_01m55s_casseia_Sat_Barrett1.mp3
Uploaded by : theknownuniverse
Description : Local pdx911truth-er makes good on Kevin Barrett's national
TRUTH JIHAD radio program Sat Dec 23rd
You can access this file at the URL:
To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
Owen couldn't have been that mean to her. Anyone can listen to the interview here or download here; Lamadrid calls in while fake Muslim Barrett interviews Lamadrid's dupe Jon Gold Dec 23 2006:
Lamadrid's earnest research helped her learn forum message functions, but didn't inform her that her hero Webster Tarpley was a cult leader? RESEARCH FAIL
"I'm just calling to say thank you to Jon...I'm a relatively new truther ...it's a about a year since I've been interested and about six months I've been doing my own research in earnest....and Jon is just such an incredible resource for somebody who is just trying to look into 911 for themselves. Through his own website you can communicate with him, which I figured out within about a couple of weeks of being on 911blogger; and if you have any kind of question you can pm him and generally about five minutes later he gets back to you with an answer...so he is just a real treasure to the truth movement, and I just want to say thanks to him. And of course to Kevin, because every time I'm seen you on tv of course I'm just gratified."
More coordination at Craig Lazo's forum, 911movement.org, this time with Lazo's friend Thomas Potter:
Lamadrid writes:
Are you forgetting what I know about you?At a guess what ever Lamadrid knows about the person she's threatening, it doesn't include working with pedo freaks making stalking videos, or working with closet Nazis and Holocaust deniers, or any crime or misdemeanor, because if it did, she'd say so. Like most cultists, Lamadrid equates exposing their scams with High Crimes Against Humanity for which Hanging is Too Good. It's hard to tell who it is or what she's bawwing about, except she wants this person to get out there and Do Stuff for the Cause:
I suggest you tone it down and work on some actual 911 truth activism for a change.Cuz the best way to motivate people to join your cause is to threaten them... That's some HERP DERP CULT LOGIC
[Under Construction]
Reopen 911
Proving America can export it's batshit to other industrial countries, ReOpen911 is a French based "911" community. Lamadrid signed up June 15, 2006, including her real name and location:
Wasn't there some butthurt about Lamadrid blaming people for "outing" her? Lol, she outed herself.
Webster Tarpley Fangurrl
Persistent rah rah girl for Larouchie Tarpley, Lamadrid echoed the clueless desire for Tarpley to run for president:
Tarpley /Bowman '08!"This" is a link to Lamadrid's now dead blog, that shared the name of the Yahoo listserve front she ran for the group:
I posted this the day after the election.Submitted by casseia on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 8:31pm.
However, it can be found in the far reaches of caches on the Internets:
Notice Evdokas is a contributor. Also notice he doesn't say, "Hey, girlfriend, this Tarpley dude is Larouchie bad news!" Maybe he didn't want to make his Larouchie lawyer unhappy...
More likely both Lamadrid and Evdokas were aware of and had no problem with local Larouche organizers Lamadrid had to have seen every fucking day when she attended Portland State University(a fact she shares freely online: " Sara Lamadrid · Portland State University"):
And yet appears Lamadird never mentioned this fact to any of her 9/11 buddies, even after Tarpley flipped out because he was butt hurt the peaceniks wouldn't suck his dick. The probability that Lamadird is a Larouchie and closet anti Semite gets even closer to 1.....
More likely both Lamadrid and Evdokas were aware of and had no problem with local Larouche organizers Lamadrid had to have seen every fucking day when she attended Portland State University(a fact she shares freely online: " Sara Lamadrid · Portland State University"):
May 23, 2007 12:49PM
- DemocritusOne
- Date Added: 05/23/2007
- Posts: 5
Larouche Cult
Larouch campainers are at PSU, portland state university as well as in the DT metro area w/ conspiracy theory type informative newsletters, mags, and videos.
i have had much time talking with the memebers. who on the surface seem commited to changing things for better within the regular US system by electing larouch as president who has revolutionary ideas for goverment.
but while on a two hour or so conversation over the phone about conspiracy theories with an active larouche member, we were mostly just talking about how corrupt gov can be and such, mostly agreeable info.
he kept telling about how i could go on knowing what i know (basically agreeing w/ gov is or can be corrupt) w/o joining larouches cause and fighting tyranny.
then after awhile i was able to get a glimpse of what he believed.....
he asked if i ever though if the neo-cons such as Dick Cheney was not even human, but a "satanic beast" and it was especially how he mentioned this idea that concerned me,
he said it like this
"well, i dont know, ...you know...well..you ever think.. mabey theyre not even human, you ever think they might be satanic beasts?"
i never spoke with them again and ignored their recruitment calls, i had been talking with them previously because i enjoy a radical political conversation as long as it does not become fanatical or dillussional... in this case i felt it was a bit insaine. ...
i think this group is a cult who has very agreeble info for collage aged teens and twentie somthings, stuff about conspiracies and corrupt gov. but as you get sucked further in the group the ideals and beliefs get more and more distorted from reality untill you are compitely unable to relate to the average joe because you beleive satanic beast rule the world and you cult needs to bring forth the armageddon to save humanity and impliment larouche as the president.... BEWARE OF THIS CULT,,,,,
they are consitintly growing and mainly attacking collaged aged students who are biased towards leftist or radical political beleifs...
several of the members had told me how they were once in collgee close to graduation and just dropped after having a life changing experience with another laruoche meber. very sad stuff...
May 23, 2007 04:05PM
- DemocritusOne
- Date Added: 05/23/2007
- Posts: 5
Larouche Cult
this cult is all over portland state university
And yet appears Lamadird never mentioned this fact to any of her 9/11 buddies, even after Tarpley flipped out because he was butt hurt the peaceniks wouldn't suck his dick. The probability that Lamadird is a Larouchie and closet anti Semite gets even closer to 1.....
Lamadrid's meetup profile still has a comment left by on David Farrar:
Hi Sara,The blog he links to was titled many things, a couple of them in 2010 being
Please don't forget, there are two important candidates that must appear on the ballot of Nov 4, 2008: Dr. Paul's and your own. That's right, as a duly registered member of a political party you qualify to enter your name on your local election ballot as a candidate for an "executive committee" member of your local political party.
For further details, please go to my website listed below or to your local Board of Elections.
ex animo
Dec 07, 2007 12:02 PM
The National Online 2012 Tea Party Conventionand
To bring together fiscal conservatives who want smaller, better government, less taxation and our personal liberty protected.
The Unemployed Voice
If you are not already a member of one or even if you are and your SNS is not paying you for your participation, why not join one that has all the features of your present SNS and will not only pay you when you participate, but will also pay you when your friends participate!The point is, Farrar is one of Lamadrid's contacts, is friendly and obviously inviting her to a libertarian, teafag event in December of 2007. This strongly indicates Lamadrid is a teafag at heart and her radical progressive feminist chick persona was an act to lure progressives.
Also posts as Anaphora or Zero Anaphora on flicker
and ebay, where she's trying to pass as Australian:
eBay My World: zero.anaphora( 7 )
Member since: Jun-04-10Lollers.
Location: Australia
At health nut website, pretending to be a fitness expert:
08-06-2010, 12:10 PMLOL
Junior Member
Buy new clothes. Seriously, I can't wear petite sizes on top anymore because my shoulders are too big and I love it. Makes my waist look smaller, too.
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