Friday, July 23, 2004

Petros Evdokas and his BMW at IMC Finance

BMW?  WTF kind of anarchist drives around in a Beemer?

Back in 2004, Evokdas was pretending to work with the Portland Indymedia Collective.  He was actually putting in hours to max out his STRATFOR trustfund so he could retire somewhere that didn't have bars or a cellmate named Bubba.   In other words he was starting DRAMA:

[Imc-finance] Re: the request for Computer Funding for IMC Beirut/ the

salaud at salaud at
Fri Jul 23 16:59:09 PDT 2004

More of this crap?

Petros has not even talked to the individual who decided voluntarily to
take on the project of seeing what could be done through freegeek for
beirut.  He has no idea what the history of the project was.  There is no
update in his message, just an attempt to cause disharmony cached in
flowery language that is seen through very well.

It is no way a crime to offer your support and say you will try to help
someone out and not be able to succeed.  I suppose this means that petros
has never failed on one of his operations.  There was, in fact, a great
deal of effort put out on this project.  Again, that's not the
point...causes disharmony is the point.

petros wrote:
>I've met some excellent colleagues and comrades here in
>Portland indymedia, who seem  to be doing everything
>possible  to keep the local situation functional. They are
>wonderful, and very dependable individuals. I have also met
>up with something that seems to be  "purposeful
>disorganization" (a conscious choice to behave that way),
>and a lack of accountability which is frustrating.

What is he talking about?  "keep the local situation functional"?  Give me
a break.  Portland is one of the most functional imc groups out there and
it is BECAUSE of our style of operation.  What is his problem?  Does it
have to do with the CIA?

petros wrote:
>I did everything possible to to make it more feasible for
>our colleagues here to make use of my personal presence, but there is a
>limit to what I can do when faced with arrogance.

Bullshit.  Petros does nothing to engender trust.  In fact, as per the
experience of several pdx imcistas, he tells lies about things they said
or did to other groups in town.  If things are not done his way, he calls
it crap.  Talk about arrogance... that's the pot calling the kettle black.
 He didn't even do any real work.  When he was asked to just take on some
personal initiative and responsibility for work, he said "no".

Petros has not arrived at a dead end.  He hasn't even talked to the person
who did the work yet.  Geez.

Lastly, using the language about how the west/north doesn't understand our
polictal perspective or that we are not in a hot spot....that's rediculous
and arrogant.  Petros, should check to see where and how he's living and
whether his BMW needs a tune up... get real.


Petros wrote:

Just a reminder and an update, which the global imc-finance
group can use to evaluate what to do with the Beirut

I had volunteered to help figure out what the current
situation is with the imc project that was supposedly going
to be a solidarity/ assistance aid- package of computers
from the imc Portland group to the imc Beirut group. I've
been touch with some of our comrades from Lebanon, and have
some of the relevant information to help guide me in this.

Knowing what my own feelings are about our work, I have to
warn you that some of the things I say may sound harsh or
dissappointing, or judgemental. I don't mean to insult
anyone, but there must be some place for our perceptions
about our shared work, if sharing them will help make

I won't hide from you my point of departure: I believe that
it's a crime to make promises of support to third- world
activists  and to just leave us hanging. For us in the "hot
spots" of the world, everything is a question of live or
die. At some point, imc colleagues in the west who
understand this, will need to take more responsible actions
and help to give a more responsible shape to our
(We neeed to be able to depend on what our colleagues say,
or what they promise to do. For many of our comrades in the
west who understand this, there's value in seeing that each
person has to be accountable for one's participation in the
global liberation process; movement work is not just an
issue of one's "personal hobby", but a deeper question
related to inner peace, and on whether our conscience and
our souls matter).

There should have never been promises of aid given if it was
not possible to come through with the aid. Also there should
have been some closure for our friends in Beirut - they
should not have been left waiting.

I'm Portland right now, and I have to tell you the truth,
there's a mixture of confusing situations which I'm trying
to sort out. I've met several imc colleagues working on
IndyMedia projects here, and also members of the
"progressive" organization which handles computer recycling.
It's called "freegeek", and it seems to be some sort of
imc ally (the relationship is unclear). I spent three days
there as a full-time volunteer.

I've met some excellent colleagues and comrades here in
Portland indymedia, who seem  to be doing everything
possible  to keep the local situation functional. They are
wonderful, and very dependable individuals. I have also met
up with something that seems to be  "purposeful
disorganization" (a conscious choice to behave that way),
and a lack of accountability which is frustrating.

It's known widely here that I'm a volunteer from the Cyprus
imc group and that part of the reason I'm here is to seek
assistance and/or to  help set up mutual aid arrangements
for various Eastern  Mediterranean imc projects. I gave
short presentations at meetings on the specific problem of
the computers which were promised to imc-Beirut.

I expected to be overwhelmed with questions (at least from
among the experienced activists) saying "what kinds of help
do you need?". It actually happened once, and I'm glad for
it, but the ethic which is prevalent here is ... let's say
confusing. I even heard one person say to me: "hey, if *you*
want to do that solidarity work for Beirut, go ahead, we're
not stopping you".

I did everything possible to to make it more feasible for
our colleagues here to make use of my personal presence, but
  there is a limit to what I can do when faced with arrogance.

I'm including a copy of this letter to individual supporters
and members of imc who are in Portland.

There are some wonderful people here, especially among the
imc supporters in Porland. But, I believe that among many
indymedia people here in the west, being unaccountable for
one's political behaviour has been raised to some kind of
"special status" as if it were a revolutionary virtue. I can
understand this (possibly as pathology), but I can not
accept it.

I have arrived at a dead end on this issue, even after
several contacts with imc people here, and after bringing up
the issue at meetings. Two members of the local Portland imc
have stated publicly that they will write to imc-Beirut to
help clarify the situation. They are named Deva
<drdartist at>, and Jesse <afterthought at>.
This was months ago. Have they contacted anyone? The last
written communication I had with any of them on the subject
is domumented here:
"In relation to imc Portland, imc Beirut, computers,
relationships, etc."

We all know that indymedia resources are few, and anything
we can do to clarify how we are allocating them (and why),
helps all of us, in all continents, on all the fronts of the
liberation movement.

Below are copies of letters that some of you may have seen
already, giving the background of this issue (there's a
double line at the end).

I agree with Blue (imc beirut) that at this point that we
should give up on expecting the aid in the form of computers
to be sent "from the north", and try to find other sources.

Many thanks to all of you who are supporting my presense
here in Portland, helping to create to human bonds to
replace the electronic ones,
imc finances liaison
for cyprus indymedia
 LOL!  It's bad when the anarchists are bitch slapping you!  There's more:

[Imc-finance] RE: Petros / computer for Beirut
salaud at salaud at
Fri Jul 23 17:06:01 PDT 2004
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From:    "Victory !" <pdxrenegade at>
Date:    Wed, July 21, 2004 7:03 pm

Below is my response to Petros' email please forward to imc-finance

"Just a reminder and an update, which the global imc-finance
group can use to evaluate what to do with the Beirut

I had volunteered to help figure out what the current
situation is with the imc project that was supposedly going
to be a solidarity/ assistance aid- package of computers
from the imc Portland group to the imc Beirut group. I've
been touch with some of our comrades from Lebanon, and have
some of the relevant information to help guide me in this."

(He never once named anyone who had made any such promise. No one
currently  in pdx imc made any such promise or even a casual offer or has
any knowledge  of any such thing. Go ahead and look for finance archives
that contain any  email that suggests any such promise/request/offer from
Portland. Unlike how  Petros implies, Portland has no money from the
network for this. Because no  such request was made.)

"Knowing what my own feelings are about our work, I have to
warn you that some of the things I say may sound harsh or
dissappointing, or judgemental. I don't mean to insult
anyone, but there must be some place for our perceptions
about our shared work, if sharing them will help make

(Petros uses this kind of language to mask his aggressive and manipulative
 behavior. I once fell for this hook line and sinker.)

"I won't hide from you my point of departure: I believe that
it's a crime to make promises of support to third- world
activists  and to just leave us hanging. For us in the "hot
spots" of the world, everything is a question of live or
die. At some point, imc colleagues in the west who
understand this, will need to take more responsible actions
and help to give a more responsible shape to our

(Petros is not exactly poverty stricken. He has access to more wealth than
 any of us. He rides around in a bmw for example.)

"We neeed to be able to depend on what our colleagues say,
or what they promise to do. For many of our comrades in the
west who understand this, there's value in seeing that each
person has to be accountable for one's participation in the
global liberation process; movement work is not just an
issue of one's "personal hobby", but a deeper question
related to inner peace, and on whether our conscience and
our souls matter."

(Petros implies that this is not understood here. That is alot to assume
about a group of people you don't really know. Petros should take a long
look in the mirror before throwing stones.)

"There should have never been promises of aid given if it was
not possible to come through with the aid. Also there should
have been some closure for our friends in Beirut - they
should not have been left waiting."

(It is unknown who if anyone has made any such offer. Petros has been the
only person who has made any such claim to us and he has not proven
trustworthy. Why has Beirut not contacted the person who made this offer?
Why has Petros not named to us who this person is? We might be able to put
 them in touch if this person is known. A lot has changed in Portland from
a  few years ago. A lot of the people who started pdx imc aren't still

"I'm Portland right now, and I have to tell you the truth,
there's a mixture of confusing situations which I'm trying
to sort out. I've met several imc colleagues working on
IndyMedia projects here, and also members of the
"progressive" organization which handles computer recycling.
It's called "freegeek", and it seems to be some sort of
imc ally (the relationship is unclear). I spent three days
there as a full-time volunteer."

(Petros has made no attempt to understand, much less learn, how Portland
works. He showed up to one or two meetings here and there. Every time he
showed up he, instead of listening, would start pre-emptively preaching
condescendingly about how we're supposed to be doing things without
bothering to find out what we were doing. Naturally people got offended
and  frustrated with him. At 2 of the meetings, the entire 3-4 hr meeting
was  taken up by him arguing about how to make policy. Still this was not
enough  for Petros. He claimed that we did not talk about it enough
(because we did  not agree to change things to  his view and so clearly we
hadn't heard  enough of his ideas or we must just be crazy because no one
can do anything  unless Petros says it's okay.). Moreover he refused to
take any initiative  in starting a project or doing any work. Projects
were suggested and nothing  was ever done. He seemed to prefer telling
others what projects they should  be doing and how they should be doing
them instead. We tried very hard to  work with him and then gave up after
he started dragging our name through  the mud on the Portland website.)

"I've met some excellent colleagues and comrades here in
Portland indymedia, who seem  to be doing everything
possible  to keep the local situation functional. They are
wonderful, and very dependable individuals. I have also met
up with something that seems to be  "purposeful
disorganization" (a conscious choice to behave that way),
and a lack of accountability which is frustrating."

(It's informally called trust plus consensus and it is organised and
accountable. You just have to understand how it works. Which requires
being  quiet long enough, asking questions, and listening to understand.)

"It's known widely here that I'm a volunteer from the Cyprus
imc group and that part of the reason I'm here is to seek
assistance and/or to  help set up mutual aid arrangements
for various Eastern  Mediterranean imc projects. I gave
short presentations at meetings on the specific problem of
the computers which were promised to imc-Beirut."

(He states presentations, plural. He mentioned this at one meeting as a
response to the Bolivia proposal. It was explained that no one currently
involved had made this offer. He (even though he has access to
considerable  amounts of money and time) began demanding that someone else
in Portland  should take on a Beirut project. The person working on the
Bolivia project  had made a strong personal committment to it and had no
time to take on  another project. Everyone was currently working on very
time consuming  projects and was not in a position to take on a beirut

"I expected to be overwhelmed with questions (at least from
among the experienced activists) saying "what kinds of help
do you need?". It actually happened once, and I'm glad for
it, but the ethic which is prevalent here is ... let's say
confusing. I even heard one person say to me: "hey, if *you*
want to do that solidarity work for Beirut, go ahead, we're
not stopping you"."

(Petros was in the best position and the most interested to do this
project.  Petros has money and is not employed. Most of the rest of us are
struggling  families and working class people. When we have time and
resources we do our  best to help out our working class comrades around
the world.)

"I did everything possible to to make it more feasible for
our colleagues here to make use of my personal presence, but
  there is a limit to what I can do when faced with arrogance."

(He did everything except offer to help or take on the project despite his
 position of privilege. A number of resources was offered. He wouldn't
have  even had to part with his money. He would have just had to do
footwork and  paperwork. Even that he was offered help for. Petros hides
behind his  citizenship in Cyprus(not his place of birth) but don't be
fooled he is  certainly more privileged than I and most of the others. I
hate to throw  around the label lazy classist but if the shoe fits...)

"I agree with Blue (imc beirut) that at this point that we
should give up on expecting the aid in the form of computers
to be sent "from the north", and try to find other sources.""

(If only Blue knew the truth.)


                INDYMEDIA IS THE CURE!!!

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"The great only appear great because we are on our knees. LET US RISE!"

>From: "bht" <bht at>
>Reply-To: bht at,Portland IMC working group
><imc-portland-workerbees at>
>To: imc-portland-workerbees at
>Subject: [pdx imc workerbees] sadly, more on petros
>Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:59:33 -0700 (PDT)
>i dont understand exaclt what petros' deal is.  he has just started
running the portland name through the mud at imc-finance:
>It isnt that bad, but he really has trouble seeing the organizing style
here and I am going to talk with him (over email of course) soon.  as I
continue to say he considers me an ally and I am pretty soon going to
have to step away from that role if he continues to drag the portland imc
name and deed through shit.
>imc-portland-workerbees mailing list
>imc-portland-workerbees at
Re: the request for Computer Funding for IMC Beirut/ the
Portland connection

From this we learn :

1:Evdokas is a privileged douchbag
2: Evdokas has a BMW
3: Evdokas is a cheap skinflint who won't part with a dime while he berates other cadre for not doing enough for the "cause".

Priceless quotes:

"Lastly, using the language about how the west/north doesn't understand our
polictal perspective or that we are not in a hot spot....that's rediculous
and arrogant.  Petros, should check to see where and how he's living and
whether his BMW needs a tune up... get real

"(Petros is not exactly poverty stricken. He has access to more wealth than
 any of us. He rides around in a bmw for example.)"

Clearly Evdokas learned how to "blend" with the left from a Sharper Image catalog.  But hey, don't hate on the beemers!  It's the driver that you gotta look out for:

For more on this lol covo:
