Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Mindset of 911 Scholars for Truth and Other Conspiracy Kooks

 Good overview of conspiracy kookdumb, this was oddly dumped into the Portland IMC compost in 2006: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/09/345488.shtml

composted article
05.Sep.2006 11:54
imperialism & war

The Mindset of 911 Scholars for Truth and Other Conspiracy Kooks 
author: Fredric L. Rice        e-mail: frice@skeptictank.org 
911 conspiracy kooks detract from the legitimacy of exposing and discussing the Bush regime's actual crimes against humanity and treason against America. What drives 911 conspiracy kooks? Let's take a brief look. 

 The article is reasonable and well written, begging the question of why it was dumped.  Possibly further evidence group members had volunteers sabotaging the Portland IMC.  Maybe if it hadn't been "composted", not as many people would have been duped into joining the group.

Most of the group members' profiles match the "eyes open" description, that is people who KNOW they are pushing a scam:

""Eyes open" conspiracy advocates deserve to be ridiculed and exposed as the frauds they are.  They're preying on the honest beliefs of people who trust in what they mistakenly perceive to be authoritative figures, people who honestly think they've discovered truths that the vast majority of the world either don't know anything about or deliberately choose not to face."
 Ergo the existence of this website. 

The Mindset of 911 Scholars for Truth and Other Conspiracy Kooks
Opinions on a Phenomena by Fredric L. Rice, Chairman, The Skeptic Tank
From http://www.elmerfudd.us/kooks911.htm

The Psychology of 911 Conspiracy Believers: Introduction.....................................................................................
The Author.  Skepticism and Skeptics Groups............................................................................................................
Eyes Open 911 Conspiracy Kooks.................................................................................................................................
Eyes Closed 911 Conspiracy Kooks..............................................................................................................................
Determining Who is Eyes Open and Who is Eyes Closed........................................................................................
What the 911 Conspiracy Kooks Believe In Public.....................................................................................................
What the 911 Conspiracy Kooks Believe Among Themselves.................................................................................
Debunking the Kooks......................................................................................................................................................
"What we know and don't know about 9/11" Debunked Again...............................................................................
Free Falling Pancake..................................................................................................................................................
Air Force Stand Down Order....................................................................................................................................
Conflicting Authority and "Salad Bar" Kooks......................................................................................................
The Lack of a Criminal Investigation.......................................................................................................................
Denial of Science and the Irony of "Scholar" Kooks...........................................................................................
When Conspiracy Kooks Collide, it's a Conspiracy............................................................................................
Everybody's Crazy But Me......................................................................................................................................
The Majority Are Scared...........................................................................................................................................
So I'm NUTS, Am I?!.................................................................................................................................................
Logic Fallacy Ipso Facto Hoc...................................................................................................................................
They Lie To Us Constantly, Ergo Our Claims are Right.......................................................................................
Hijackers are Still Alive..............................................................................................................................................
Leaping Off Into The Weeds....................................................................................................................................
Them Zionist Jews and the Mass Media................................................................................................................
Unfortunate Occult Kook Stephen Jones...................................................................................................................
The Survival of Conspiracy Kook Notions................................................................................................................

The Psychology of 911 Conspiracy Believers: Introduction

In the aftermath of the September 11'th terrorist attacks against New York city, a cottage industry of conspiracy kooks have risen to exploit the attacks, seeking to advance their financial, political, and ideological goals as well as seeking to justify and vindicate long-held and deeply cherished preconceived notions.

Among the most notorious and decidedly unscholarly are the handful of individuals calling themselves "911 Scholars for Truth[1]," a rather ironic and euphemistic label for a set of individuals, ideologies, and practices that are anything but scholarly.

This paper -- which, I should note, doesn't attempt to even pretend to be "scholarly" (indeed, the wording of this document is at times difficult to parse, problems which will be corrected as time permits) -- takes a look at the mindset of 911 conspiracy believers and what motivates them with particular focus on the "911 Scholars for Truth" group of conspiracy believers.

The Author.  Skepticism and Skeptics Groups

Fredric Rice is the Chairman of an organized skeptics[2] group called The Skeptic Tank[3], one of numerous organized skeptics groups which exist around the world whose primary goals are the appeal to sanity and reason, focusing on the scientific[4] debunking of testable claims of the paranormal.

An important aspect of skeptics groups is that claims must be testable and falsifiable.  Skeptics generally aren't interested in evaluating and addressing untestable claims since such claims are a matter of religious faith or the dysfunctional pathologies harbored by the mentally unfortunate.  When it comes to testable claims, however, that are in opposition to well established scientific evidence, skeptics groups are willing and happy to debunk.

We'll see in this paper that much of what 911 conspiracy kooks believe fall within the venue of religious faith solely because what they believe are demonstrably false, but despite the fact that what they believe is false, a great many of their claims are testable and thus lend themselves to scientific debunking.

Most skeptics groups make an effort to remain stoic and professional[5] while debunking outrageous claims however the author of this paper doesn't subscribe to the philosophy of being nice and respectful to believers in the paranormal and other typical venues of irrationality.  Indeed, there's little to be gained from refraining calling groups of unfortunate individuals (such as the handful of unsalted nuts in the "911 Scholars" group) "unsalted nuts[6]."  In fact, repressing laughter at the shenanigans of conspiracy kooks is unhealthy.

The author is also a vocal and fairly insistent impolite opponent of the Bush regime's numerous crimes against humanity and treason against the United States.  Most claims issued by fascist regimes (such as the Bush administration) are often testable and falsifiable and as such the author recognizes as legitimate the very outrageous lies and deceptions that drives 911 conspiracy kooks to adopt their own resulting delusional beliefs.

Eyes Open 911 Conspiracy Kooks

When it comes to self-proclaimed "psychics," astrologers, palm readers, dowsers, Tarot card readers, fortune tellers, and other claimants of the paranormal, such people fall into two camps.  "Eyes open" and "eyes closed[7]."  Conspiracy advocates also follow this stark bifurcation of believer however the percentages of people who fall into the two classes are starkly different.

"Eyes open" advocates of the paranormal are well aware that the powers and abilities that they claim to hold don't actually exist.  Mentalists, magicians, conjurers, religious frauds (such as Peter Popoff[8] and all television-scale "faith healers[9]") fall into this category, as do the likes of Uri Geller[10], and Jean Dixon[11], individuals who seek to make money or garner fame from the ignorant and gullible -- though often desperate -- rubes they try to exploit.

"Eyes open" psychics and such are further divided into two major groups of individuals:  those who use their cold reading[12] abilities and other magic tricks to rook, swindle, and defraud their marks out of as much money as they think they can get away with, and a second group of those who are honest and employ their magic act to entertain or educate.

By far some 90% of all advocates of the paranormal are "eyes open," knowing the claims that they make are false.  Of those who are eyes open, perhaps 90% employ their deceptive trade to financial gain while the rest do it for the humor, fun, and entertainment it affords at the expense of the actual believers they play with.

When it comes to conspiracy beliefs, advocates form up into a reversal of the usual paranormal bifurcation:  Some 90% of conspiracy believers honestly believe while the rest proclaim to do so solely to rook and swindle the rubes who actually believe.

Eyes Open
Eyes Closed


There's a reason for this.  People who proclaim to be "psychic" or perform astrological readings and the whole spectrum of paranormal claptrap typically require at least a minimal of acting ability to carry off their deceptions, and a fairly large dose of understanding of basic human nature.

The ability to perform "cold readings" where the advocate can successfully impress the mark into believing the "psychic" knows things about him or her that nobody could know without having paranormal powers is an ability that takes time, intelligence, and practice to develop.  Alternatively, conspiracy kooks don't require any such mental capabilities or effort.  For conspiracy kooks, the only requirement these days is the ability to turn on a computer and use the Google search engine.

"Eyes open" conspiracy advocates deserve to be ridiculed and exposed as the frauds they are.  They're preying on the honest beliefs of people who trust in what they mistakenly perceive to be authoritative figures, people who honestly think they've discovered truths that the vast majority of the world either don't know anything about or deliberately choose not to face.

Eyes Closed 911 Conspiracy Kooks

The "eyes closed" brand of conspiracy believer honestly believes what they advocate, and while they may rook and swindle each other, selling each other T-shirts, bumper stickers, conspiracy books and other marketable paraphernalia, they do so because they actually believe what they profess to believe in -- as opposed to the "eyes open" conspiracy advocates who are in it for the money and fame.

David Hume -- a well known skeptical philosopher -- proclaimed that skeptics should choose to understand humans rather than to laugh at or ridicule believers, and this is a philosophy that's certainly reasonable for those conspiracy believers who are "eyes closed."  I choose, however, to both understand them and laugh at them since 911 conspiracy kooks are vastly entertaining.

At the same time "eyes closed" conspiracy believers are deserving of some pity and a more friendly brand of ridicule than that which rightfully should be heaped upon the "eyes open" variety of fraud.

Determining Who is Eyes Open and Who is Eyes Closed

The determination of which "psychics" and other paranormal advocates are "eyes open" and which are "eyes closed" is a matter of predicating one's assumptions on simple probability unless the advocate has accidentally or purposely stated or otherwise exposed himself or herself as "eyes open."

The same is true for 911 conspiracy crackpots.  Probability designates that most every professed "psychic" knows he or she is a fraud and doesn't actually believe any of the claptrap he or she sells to the rubes.  Probability also designates that most every conspiracy advocate honestly believes in what he or she professes to believe in.

The question then becomes one of how to determine whether a 911 conspiracy kook actually believes the claptrap he or she professes to believe from those who proclaim to believe simply to get money and fame from the witless rubes who actually do believe.

There is no way to accurately make the determination unless the 911 conspiracy advocate admits he or she knows they're shoveling out claptrap.  The fact that so many 911 conspiracy kooks are caught and exposed as deliberately lying is no indication that they know they're deliberately lying, and getting caught can't be used as a metric to judge an advocate's actual belief or not.

How can this be?  How can someone deliberately lie and yet not know it?  In psychology the mental process which allows such a phenomena among human brains is called "compartmentalization[13]."

Conspiracy kooks can honestly believe they're "scholars" and that they're performing "science," and they can honestly pretend their self-published "peer reviewed journals" are some how legitimate.  At the same time in direct contradiction to those beliefs they can also believe that actual scientists who perform actual science and debunk conspiracy notions aren't being honest -- or worse, are part of the ever growing conspiracy.

Compartmentalization is relevant to determine who is eyes open and who is eyes closed because those who honestly believe contradictory and mutually exclusive things can accumulate a cognitive dysfunction known as "cognitive dissonance[14]" which eventually manifests itself.  The conspiracy kook who grows increasingly violent and bug-shit insane, advancing increasingly nutty notions as time develops are likely "eyes closed," actual believers suffering from their beliefs.

The "eyes open" type of advocate may express increasingly outrageous and amusing notions as time progresses however they generally don't acquire violent and insane rhetoric and behavior.  It's generally always the rabid true believer that society physically suffers from the most, not the liar professing to believe solely as a means to rook and swindle the rubes out of their bank accounts.

What the 911 Conspiracy Kooks Believe In Public

Examining groups of conspiracy kooks such as the "911 Scholars for Truth," it becomes apparent that what such individuals advocate and speak about in public outside of their circle of fellow conspiracy mongers is often diametrically opposed to what such individuals profess and advocate in venues among fellow believers.
(Or, to be more accurate, their claims grow in absurdity when told safely among fellow kooks.)

The reason why there's stark differences in what conspiracy crackpots say depending on who their audience is derives from the aims and goals of the conspiracy advocates of the moment.

When speaking in public out among normal people who don't share their apriori conspiracy beliefs, 911 "Scholars" and their ideological colleagues, for example, such conspiracy believers won't mention some of their more embarrassing beliefs such as the notion that some 4000 Jews who worked in the World Trade Center buildings were warned in advance[15] of the September 11'th terrorist attacks.  When speaking in venues where the majority of people are fellow conspiracy believers, however, the claim about Jews being warned are routinely expressed.

At issue is credibility and legitimacy, two attributes completely lacking in such groups as "911 Scholars for Truth."  Conspiracy mongers will express what they hope and believe their audience will accept when they feel they need to appeal to what they believe will be considered credible and will be accepted by their audience.

Conspiracy kooks will convince themselves that this level of deception is acceptable since the vast unwashed populace which laughs at them or otherwise ignores their notions:

1.  Don't want to believe the truth.

2.  Have short attention spans and can't retain the truth.

3.  Are incapable of understanding the truth.

4.  Are part of the conspiracy.

5.  Have some financial or other motive for denying the truth.

6.  Are "electronically" brainwashed by the secret cabal.

So what are some of the more profoundly silly things that 911 conspiracy kooks proclaim to believe out in public among non-believers?  To be sure not all 911 kooks believe the same things, and to be sure there's infighting among the kooks about what they're supposed to believe involves the conspiracy and what's bullshit.

Despite that, there's some core notions held by the majority.  An exhaustive list would take a considerable amount of time to compile however some of the major points of belief are:

1.  The World Trade Center buildings were brought down by demolition munitions planted at strategic locations within the buildings.

2.  There were explosions heard and observed[16] by witnesses which are demolition munitions (rather than electrical[17] transformer explosions and related phenomena.)

3.  There is overwhelming scientific evidence to support their demolition munitions notions.

4.  There is overwhelming eye-witness accounts and statements from fire fighters and such to support their demolition munitions notions.

5.  World Trade Center building number 7 wasn't damaged badly enough to warrant being dismantled and was demolished after the attacks to try to hide evidence of the Bush regime's crimes and treason being stored in the building.

6.  Video admission of guilt by a fire fighter exists that World Trade Center number 7 was "pulled[18]" with demolition munitions.

7.  Pools of melted steel[19] exists which can't be explained through physical sciences unless one posits the existence of demolition materials such as thermite[20].

8.  Evidence that thermite was used in percentages beyond the trace amounts detected and accepted by actual scientists.

9.  No evidence exists that a jet airliner was crashed into the Pentagon.

10.Passenger jet airliner aircraft were not crashed into the World Trade Center buildings but were instead crashed into by automated or otherwise unmanned drone aircraft.

11.The "fourth jet airliner" that crashed in a field and was reportedly targeted for the White House was likewise unmanned and some how malfunctioned.

12.Cell telephone calls don't work from inside of passenger jet airliners at certain altitudes and velocities.

13.The World Trade Center buildings fell at "free fall[21]" speeds.

14.Iron and steel don't burn.  (Even head kook Jones stupidly claims that iron can't burn.  In fact it does around 1200 degrees f.)

Those are just a few of the notions proclaimed out in public among the rational who recognize the conspiracy kooks' notions as unevidenced.

What the 911 Conspiracy Kooks Believe Among Themselves

As the audience becomes a majority of fellow 911 conspiracy believers, the claims become ever more unscientific, untestable, and outrageous.  To be sure the majority of the 911 conspiracy kooks don't believe all of the increasingly insane notions listed here however from web sites and Usenet newsgroups, the increase in rabidity appears to be spreading into the mainstream kookdom.

Some of the added "private" notions:

1)  All of the Jews who worked in the World Trade Center buildings were warned before hand about the impending terrorist attacks and were told not to report to work.

2)  The history of crimes against humanity and treason against America at the hands of the Bush regime extend to actually performing the September 11'th terrorist attacks personally (that is ordering the attacks.)

3)  The Bush regime knew about the impending terrorist attacks and ordered the Air Force, NORAD, FBI, and other agencies to "stand down" and step aside to allow the attacks to happen.

4)  The 911 attacks were part of a wider world-wide conspiracy involving "blood line Illuminati" cabals and various "secret societies" of which Bush and his fascist regime are part.

5)  The September 11'th attacks are part of the "end times" signaling the "return" of the Christian Jesus godman.

6)  The "truth" about flying saucers, John F. Kennedy's murder, Roswell, Bigfoot, and so many other traditional paranoid kookdom are intricately tied into the September 11'th terrorist attacks with big oil, cocaine, and the usual world domination

Some "911 Scholars for Truth" kooks allegedly publicly proclaim quite a few kook notions that they later allegedly deny when interviewed for wider audiences.   (One such kook allegedly called himself an "agnostic" when it comes to whether the Bush regime actually committed the terrorist acts when interviewed on a FOX channel's fake news show in direct opposition to proclamations he allegedly made at a Los Angeles kook convention among his ideological kook colleagues.)

If this behavior is expressed by pathological liars, it's an indication that the individuals are at least aware of the fact that they lie.  Often pathological liars have difficulty noticing that they're deliberately changing their claims based upon their target audience.  When they internalize the fact that they're deliberately lying to critical audiences, they justify their deceptions as "appealing to a broader audience" while they "disseminate educational information" among those who they believe are "asleep" or brainwashed.

Debunking the Kooks

All brands of unfortunate conspiracy believer from flying saucers believers, through astrology, all the way to 911 "Scholars" engage in the behavior of continually restating claims that have been soundly and scientifically debunked hundreds or thousands of times, some claims of which have been debunked for centuries.

When presented with irrefutable scientific fact, such believers simply blink their eyes, draw a deep breath, ignore everything they have just been shown, and utter their just-debunked claims yet once again.  It's a matter of religious belief; a factor of the human brain being wired through millions of years of evolution to cling to wishful thinking and things people want to believe despite all reason.

Here below we take a look at a bevy of claims by a 911 conspiracy believer, an Internet entity named Paul Roberts.  While we examine the usual and heavily debunked claims, we'll comment upon them.

"What we know and don't know about 9/11" Debunked Again


What we know and don't know about 9/11
author: Paul Craig Roberts

08/16/06 "Information Clearing House" -- I received a number of intelligent responses from readers of my August 14 column, "Gullible Americans," The letters deserve a reply.

[This is a fairly common behavioral phenomena among believers in conspiracy theories and religious beliefs.  After a fatal debunking, the believer will almost certainly blink his or her eyes a few times, draw a deep breath, and then restate his or her solidly debunked notions.  Science, reason, or evidence don't factory in beliefs.]

[The phenomena is apparently across the whole spectrum of "must believers," people who have an emotional and psychological need to believe at all cost.  For example this phenomena is witnessed among 911 conspiracy believers and Christian Creationists to the same degree.]

[At core of the psyche is self-deception first and foremost.  Believers in such profoundly debunked notions as "the World Trade Center buildings fell at free fall speeds" and such notions as "the world was created 6,000 years ago" must deceive themselves first before they can attempt to deceive others.  That so many 911 conspiracy believers also knowingly lie is part of the compartmentalization which can result in cognitive dissonance.  Taken to extremes, such mental difficulties can become serious to the point of dysfunction.]

Moreover, some contain important points that should be shared with a wider audience.

[This is another common behavioral aspect of conspiracy believers.  The "wider audience" very often refers to people who are capable of applying reason, science, and the rules of the burden of evidence.]

[Conspiracy believers often believe that "the people are asleep" or otherwise too uneducated, too brainwashed, too fat, stupid, and lazy to "accept" the notions that the conspiracy believer wants to believe is obvious if only "the people" would wake up, do their homework, examine the evidence, and discover the truth for themselves.]

[Those who don't adopt conspiracy beliefs can be generally divided into two groups: Those who actually haven't examined the issues because it doesn't interest them enough to, and those who have examined the evidence and conclude with reason that the conspiracy kooks are wrong.]

[In the case where "the people" aren't interested enough to actually perform minimal research into the 911 terrorist attacks, their causes, and the Bush regime's response, 911 conspiracy kooks are partially correct in their complaints that such people are asleep or lazy and don't wish to invest the time and effort needed to examine the issues.  At the same time such people who are "asleep" likewise wouldn't be interested in the conspiracy kooks' unevidenced notions.]

[Among the 911 kooks, there's not a current of "everybody's crazy but me," a phenomena that's fairly common among lone delusionals who don't share the support and sympathies of fellow conspiracy believers.  In this aspect the 911 kooks are different than other kooks.]

Pundits such as myself are not the only people who have interesting things to say. Considering the number of letters and the time it would require to respond individually, I am replying instead in this column.

[This individual's response was posted to and then retrieved from the Portland Indymedia web site.  A search for the sentence "What we know and don't know about 9/11" using Google turns up 11,900 web pages.  An additional search filtering out all web pages that don't contain the author's name turns up 239 web pages.]

Most readers from whom I heard understand the difference between loyalty to country and loyalty to a government. They understand that to support a political party or a government that is destroying the US Constitution and America's reputation in the world is, in fact, an act of treason. Therefore, I did not have to read the usual drivel about how doubting "our government" is un-American.

[This is irrelevant here.  The Bush regime is certainly guilty of committing massive crimes against humanity -- few would care to dispute that -- and the Bush regime is certainly guilty of treason against the people of the United States -- again, few dispute that fact.  What's at issue here is the unevidenced, unscientific, delusional beliefs of conspiracy kooks.]

Among the issues raised are:

How could the complicity of the US government, or some part of it, in the events of 9/11 be kept a secret?

[And in fact the Bush regime's deliberate involvement in the terrorist attacks against New York aren't relevant here insofar as secrecy is concerned.  The so-called "Phoenix, Arizona FBI Memo," the so-called "Downingstreet Memo," and numerous other non-secret, well-evidenced crimes against America at the hands of the Bush regime aren't secret.  What's debatable is the degree of the Bush regime's complicity.]

For the most part, this question comes from Americans who believe the government must have been, to some extent, complicit in the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

[Either through deliberate treason or through gross incompetence.]

How can we differentiate between the real facts, the 9/11 Commission's reporting of the facts, and "conspiracy theories"?

[Science and reason, obviously, neither of which are employed or respected among 911 conspiracy kooks -- or to be more accurate, both of which are dismissed when they debunk the conspiracy believers' deeply-held and cherished notions.]

What about the role of suicide flyers led by M. Atta?

[Atta had been a CIA asset for many years, a man who worked for the United States government even before the Bush regime hijacked the 2000 Presidential Election.]

[Atta was just one of hundreds -- if not thousands -- of terrorists on US payrolls however such employment was for his efforts in performing acts that the United States deemed favorable to the corporate interests which run the United States.  There's no evidence that Atta's employment by the Bush regime was so that he could attack New York.]

[Atta turned on his masters, by all available evidence, and there's no evidence that the Bush regime specifically paid him (or brainwashed him) into performing the September 11'th terrorist attacks.]

What about the Popular Mechanics article and the TV documentary that debunk the skeptics and support the official explanation of 9/11?

[This is the logic fallacy known as "begging the question."  There is no "official explanation" of September 11'th.  The Bush regime and various Bush offices have released a series of reports about the September 11'th terrorist attacks however they're not what can reasonably be called "official explanations."]

[None of the reports issued by the Bush regime address the regime's deliberate "stepping aside" which allowed the Saudi Arabian hijackers to commit their crimes.  None of the reports issued by the Bush regime address evidence covering the regime's crimes after the fact -- such as the "Downingstreet Memo" where a "Pearl Harbor" such as September 11'th was greatly desired to justify treason and fascism against the American people.]

What about the role of the US media in propagandizing Americans with the official explanation instead of examining the explanation, especially with regard to such truncated hatchet-job interviews with 9/11 skeptics such as the hatchet jobs presided over by Donny Deutsch on CNBC and by neocon Tucker Carlson on MSNBC?

[This is another behavioral trait among 911 conspiracy kooks.  There's a dedicated effort toward attempting to describe 911 conspiracy kooks' notions as "mainstream" and anyone who doesn't adopt or accept the conspiracy notions are themselves believers in a conspiracy.]

[Among 911 kooks, the kooks are sane whereas everyone else is delusioned by the Bush conspiracy.  The "9/11 skeptics" referred to here are the 911 conspiracy kooks.  The fact that there actually is a Bush conspiracy is irrelevant when it comes to the kook notions held by 911 kooks.]

Why are so many Americans hostile to holding the Bush regime accountable for its obvious and documented lies, lies that have misled America to war and gratuitously slaughtered and maimed tens of thousands of people, including our own troops?

[Irrelevant when it comes to 911 conspiracy notions.  There's always a percentage of any populace that will allow their leaders -- elected or otherwise -- to commit any acts of treason or crimes against humanity without calling for their leaders' trial or execution.]

[It's not a conspiracy that a percentage of the population on the planet don't call for the Bush regime to stand trial for their crimes.  It's just an artifact of human nature, doubtlessly the result of humanity's evolutional development.]

Free Falling Pancake

I will begin by stating what we know to be a solid incontrovertible scientific fact.

We know that it is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel columned buildings, to "pancake" at free fall speed. Therefore, it is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false.

[Here we have one of the most common profoundly debunked notions held by September 11'th conspiracy kooks, including the so-called "911 Scholars" who proclaim to know science and what science entails.]

[Here we also see another application of the fatal logic fallacy known as "begging the question."  The buildings didn't fall at "free fall speed[22]."  They fell at a rate of speed consistent with their heights, mitigated by resistance from the air compacted between floors as the building collapsed.]

[The conspiracy kook notion is that the Bush regime employed demolition munitions as the "explanation" for the mistaken notion that the buildings fell at free fall.  In fact the demolition notion has been debunked endless times.  See "Thermite."[23].  Also see "explosions."[24]]

Air Force Stand Down Order

We also know for a fact that the Air Force somehow inexplicably failed to intercept the alleged hijacked airliners despite the fact that the Air Force can launch jet fighters to 29,000 feet in 2.5 minutes.

[Irrefutable incompetence doesn't equate to a deliberate of treason.  As yet there's no evidence that the Bush regime issued any "stand down" order or was in any way responsible for the failure to intercept hijacked aircraft.  That doesn't mean the Bush regime didn't order the "stand down," it just means that there's no evidence for such an order.]

[Some 911 conspiracy kooks don't accept the fact that passenger jet aircraft were crashed into the World Trade Center buildings or the Pentagon.  Some have adopted the unusual notion that the thousands of eye-witnesses who observed the passenger aircraft are either part of the "Bush conspiracy" or just the typical poor witness.]

[The fact that there are videotapes of the World Trade Center buildings being impacted by passenger jet airliners prompts these kooks to proclaim the videos to be faked.  Some kooks claim that the jet airliners shown on the videos are in fact unmanned drones being controlled by the Bush regime.]

Conflicting Authority and "Salad Bar" Kooks

We also know that the two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission have just written a book that reveals that the US military lied to the Commission about its failure to intercept the hijacked airliners.

[Another behavioral trait of the conspiracy kook is the "salad bar" approach to picking and choosing which "evidence from authority" to accept and which to dismiss.  When the claims support their conspiracy notions, kooks accept it.  When the larger mountain of claims which dispute their kook notions is offered, the kooks reject it as "part of the conspiracy" or the findings of the brainwashed and uneducated.]

[The failure to intercept the jet aircraft has numerous mundane explanations which don't rely upon any orders from the Bush regime.  Conspiracy believers reject them and adopt the most treasonous explanation to support their predisposed beliefs.]

The Lack of a Criminal Investigation

There are various explanations for this second fact. The military could have lied to cover up complicity or to cover-up its incompetence. However, no investigation has been made to ascertain the true explanation for the failure.

[The lack of any serious investigation into the Bush regime's complicity into the September 11'th terrorist attacks and all the events which lead up to it and took place after the fact is one of the factual aspects of the Bush regime's crimes that 911 conspiracy kooks lament.]

[Eventually an actual criminal investigation into why the Bush regime allowed the terrorist attacks to take place and what his regime's motives were might conceivably take place some day however such a criminal investigation almost certainly will not take place during out life times.]

This leaves us with the incontrovertible fact that buildings cannot "pancake" at free fall speeds.

The only explanation known to science for the free fall collapse of a building, especially into its own footprint, is engineered demolition, which removes the supports for each floor of the building at split second intervals so that the debris from above meets no resistance on its fall.

[A repeat of the "begging the question" logic fallacy, and a repeat of the debunked notion that demolition munitions were employed.]

Denial of Science and the Irony of "Scholar" Kooks

To call this explanation a "conspiracy theory" is to display the utmost total ignorance. Any physicist or engineer who maintains that buildings can "pancake" at free fall speed has obviously been bought and paid for or is a total incompetent fool.

[There's often great irony -- and amusement -- at the claims of conspiracy kooks who proclaim to employ science while scoffing at those who actually do.]

The WTC buildings are known to have collapsed at free fall speed into their own footprints.

[And in fact the video evidence taken of the buildings' actual collapses prove otherwise.]

When Conspiracy Kooks Collide, it's a Conspiracy

This fact does not tell us who is responsible or what purpose was served.

Since the damning incontrovertible fact has not been investigated, speculation and "conspiracy theories" have filled the void. Some of the speculation is based on circumstantial evidence and is plausible. Other of the speculation is untenable, and it is used to protect the official explanation by branding all skeptics "conspiracy theorists."

I would not be surprised if some of the most far-out "conspiracy theories" consist, in fact, of disinformation put out by elements in the government to discredit all skeptics. But I do not know this to be the case.

[Here we have another core aspect of conspiracy believers across the spectrum.  Some kooks are more rabid or extremist than others, and while bands of kooks usually harbor many of the same outrageous, unevidenced notions, there will be individuals who harbor notions that others do not, expressing their notions along-side the core beliefs of their ideological colleagues.]

[An example of this is the notion that thousands of Jews were warned ahead of time to not come to work on the morning of September 11'th.  A small percentage of these 911 conspiracy kooks have adopted that belief.  The claim is just as soundly debunked as any other the 911 conspiracy kooks harbor however among those who don't subscribe to that particular belief the claimants can easily be attributed to "disinformation campaigns" instigated by the Bush regime.]

[Proclaiming fellow 911 conspiracy kooks and their claims to be part of a "disinformation" campaign is one way to attempt to try to distance oneself from the people and claims.  Additionally pretending that the "opposition" feels it necessary to instigate a "disinformation" campaign to flood the conspiracy camps with ever-increasingly outrageous and insane notions makes the conspiracy believers feel important and noticed by their enemies.]

Everybody's Crazy But Me

How could government complicity be kept a secret? It can be kept a secret, because so many Americans are scientifically ignorant and emotionally weak. They are incapable of realizing the contradiction in the government's claim that the WTC buildings "pancaked" at free fall speed, and they are emotionally incapable of confronting the evil of the Bush regime.

[This behavioral trait has been examined to some degree previously.  A great many conspiracy kooks depict themselves as superheroes, super patriots out to expose the conspiracy and wake the unwashed, uneducated, illiterate, gullible, brainwashed masses from their sleep.  It makes the conspiracy believer feel important, recognized, worthy.]

Many Christians think that Bush is "a man of God" who is protecting American morality from homosexuals and abortionists.

Others who wear their patriotism on their sleeves think Bush is standing up for America and innocent Israel, and that they must not let anti-American anti-war protesters cause America to lose another war and repeat the Vietnam experience.

[Here we see another suit of common conspiracy believers' behavioral patterns.  There's an effort adopted fairly often by the delusional to try to explain to themselves why and how rationally sane people don't believe as they do.]

[Among Christianity the reason is often attributed to "Satan" and his deliberate attempts to deceive humanity and "lead them astray."  Among 911 conspiracy kooks the majority try to convince themselves that the unwashed masses "just can't handle the truth."]

Americans are both ignorant and full of resentments against the left. This makes them easily manipulated by the neoconservatives who dominate the Bush regime and the media.

[This is all undeniably true.  In fact it's another aspect of the "must believer:" mix undeniable facts with unevidenced, unscientific, soundly debunked notions in the hopes that readers will fall for it.]

The Majority Are Scared

Also, many anti-war and anti-Bush online sites are scared of being called "crazy conspiracy kooks." They protect their sites by staying away from the 9/11 issue, just as so many Americans are scared to death of being called "anti-Semitic" and thereby do not dare criticize Israel no matter the heinous war crimes that state routinely commits.

[Here's more of the same rationalization on why the majority of the populace doesn't believe the outrageously unscientific and debunked notions of the 911 conspiracy believers.  There's also some irony in this specific instance because the conspiracy kook is admitting that he's aware of how the rest of the world sees him and his claims: crazy.]

So I'm NUTS, Am I?!

[This brings up another important aspect of conspiracy kookdom that should be underscored.  Some of the 911 conspiracy kooks are profoundly insane, others are profoundly delusional, still others are merely laboring under their poor education and poor self-esteem, trying to improve their self images by pretending to be heroes.  By far the vast majority of 911 kook is, however, honestly self-deceived and not otherwise actually insane.]

[Insanity is a matter of degree; insanity and sanity are spectrums, not things that come in an "either this or that" package.  All Homosapien Sapiens labor under different misconceptions, delusions, and preconceived notions, and all labor under them to different degrees.  What constitutes insanity as such is a matter of social convention.]

[Religious belief in deity constructs, for example, and irrational and conceivably evidence of marked insanity.  The vast majority of the world's populace which exhibits and harbors religious beliefs in their deity constructs would not care to suggest that they're insane.  Thus religious delusion isn't considered insanity except by a small minority of the world's populace.]

[Also some 911 conspiracy notions are more outrageous and "crazy" than others.  That the World Trade Center buildings some how fell at free fall speeds despite the video evidence that they didn't is a nutty notion that conceivably isn't what would be considered "nuts."  That thousands of Jews were notified ahead of time -- there's a 911 conspiracy kook notion that certainly comes close to evidencing a profound mental problem, one wherein the claimant could conceivably be called "insane."]

[Thus conspiracy believers can harbor a mix of notions, some of which are understandable (even though the notions are demonstrably mistaken) and others of which could conceivably indicate actual mental dysfunction.]

[Among the 911 conspiracy kook phenomena it seems apparent that any actual insanity is in any event not a cause for concern for anyone's health or safety.  If the odd 911 conspiracy kook is violently insane, it's nothing to worry about.  If the odd 911 conspiracy kook's notions were widely held, that would be worthy of major concern.]

Of all the online subscribers to my column, only vdare.com and NewsMax had the courage to post my column. Realizing that even antiwar sites would serve as de facto gatekeepers for the neocons, I offered the column to ICH, whose editor cannot be intimidated.

[NewsMax.COM is a right-wing religious web site which will publish anything on their web site so long as one pays the fee.  In any event there are literally tens of thousands of web sites that contain 911 conspiracy kook notions, just as there are many thousands of web sites which either are dedicated solely for the debunking of such claims or otherwise contain such debunkings as a matter of general interest.]

[The behavior being expressed -- that only a few web sites "have the courage" to carry the kook's spew -- is another common behavioral attribute.  The inability to disseminate one's notions outside of the circle of fellow believers or, as NewsMax is concerned, are paid to carry it, is believed to be either part of the conspiracy or the result of cowardice, not the result of the fact that the conspiracy kook's notions are unevidenced and in any event soundly debunked.]

The Popular Mechanics article and the TV documentary are obviously false since they both endorse the official explanation that the WTC buildings "pancaked" at free fall speed, an obvious scientific impossibility. Whether the false reporting by Popular Mechanics and television are due to incompetence or to complicity in a government cover-up, I do not know.

Logic Fallacy Ipso Facto Hoc

[Another common behavioral trait:  The scientific evidence which debunks the preconceived kook notion is defacto lies despite the fact that science says otherwise.]

[A re-read of this individual's complaint tends to indicate that he could have worded his complaint a little better.  Regardless he's employing two fatal logic fallacies: Ipso Facto Hoc and "begging the question."]

[The buildings didn't fall at "free fall speed" and the Popular Mechanics article didn't suggest that they did.  That's the 911 conspiracy kook's notion.  Because the Popular Mechanics article covering the detailed aspects of the buildings' collapses don't conform to the kook's preconceived notions, the scientific debunking is post hoc dismissed.]

They Lie To Us Constantly, Ergo Our Claims are Right

We know nothing about alleged suicide flyers led by M. Atta except what the government has told us, a government that has lied to us about everything else, such as Iraq's alleged WMD and alleged links to Osama bin Laden, and Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program, a program for which the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors cannot find evidence.

[This is all undeniably true.  The logic fallacy employed here, however, could be called "Factum Ergo Kookdum Hoc:" because the Bush regime continues to lie, commit crimes against humanity, and commits massive treason against America, the 911 conspiracy kooks' claims are therefore legitimate and not at all soundly debunked.]

[Such reasoning is false.  Each claim must stand on its own merits regardless of what the claim is and regardless of who makes it.  Past histories of lies or legitimacy certainly counts for or against the legitimacy of later claims however past histories don't post hoc designate later ones to be true or false.]

Hijackers are Still Alive

According to reports, the BBC has found 6 of the alleged suicide hijackers alive and well in their home countries. I do not know if the report is true, but I do know that the report has been ignored and there has been no investigation. Both the US government and the US media have turned a blind eye.

[A number of news agencies around the world have searched for family members of the alleged 19 jet airliner hijackers and in doing so have found relatives and non-related individuals in the Middle East to have the same names, or to have names that are close to the alleged hijackers.]

[This fact has led a lot of the 911 conspiracy kooks -- demonstrably a majority of them -- to believe that many of the alleged hijackers are still alive, a notion that allows them to further believe that unmanned drone aircraft were flown into the World Trade Center buildings.]

[This notion -- that some of the hijackers are still alive -- has been soundly debunked.  The fact that more than one person can have the same name is apparently irrelevant among the majority of the 911 conspiracy kooks, as is the fact that regionally groups of people hold the same names.]

We have no way of knowing if Atta and his named accomplices hijacked the planes, or, if they did, whether they were dupes of intelligent services that pretended to be a terrorist cell and organized the cover for the engineered demolition.

The fact that we do not know any of these things, and the fact that the 9/11 Commission co-chairmen now tell us that their report is flawed, are good indications that we have no documented information of who was behind the plot, why it occurred, or how it operated.

[All this is true.]

With regard to the role of the US media, if it is indeed a media rather than a propaganda ministry, one reader cited remarks by the distinguished investigative reporter, John Pilger, made in an address at Columbia University on 14 April 2006:

["...distinguished investigative reporter..."  This is another application of "salad bar" data selection as well as another appeal to what conspiracy kooks accept as authority.]

[Also there are a great many Internet kooks who have learned how to use the Google search engine and like to proclaim themselves "investigative journalists."  While it's true that many of them have web sites and post their "findings" to them, it's also true that their legitimacy doesn't extend to honestly calling themselves "investigative journalists."  Having a web site and an opinion doesn't make one an "investigative journalist."]

Leaping Off Into The Weeds

"During the Cold War, a group of Russian journalists toured the United States. On the final day of their visit, they were asked by their hosts for their impressions. 'I have to tell you,' said their spokesman, 'that we were astonished to find after reading all the newspapers and watching TV, that all the opinions on all the vital issues were by and large, the same.

"To get that result in our country, we imprison people, we tear out their fingernails. Here, you don't have that. What's the secret? How do you do it?'"

This quote is probably apocryphal, but it is well used to make a valid point. The answer to the Russian's question is that during the cold war the American public viewed the Soviet Union as a dangerous adversary and were amenable to reports to that effect.

The fact that the Soviets were a potentially dangerous adversary made Americans blind to the roles of the US military-industrial complex, which benefited financially from cultivating the adversary relationship, and the US government, which benefited politically from cultivating the adversary relationship, in keeping the adversarial relationship alive.

The uniformity of the US media has become much more complete since the days of the cold war. During the 1990s, the US government permitted an unconscionable concentration of print and broadcast media that terminated the independence of the media.

[None of which is at all relevant to the conspiracy kooks' claims.  Much of this is undeniably true however none of it says anything in support of the notions advanced by 911 conspiracy believers.]

["Launching off into the weeds" like this is another curious behavioral trail exhibited by the broad spectrum of conspiracy kooks around the world, not just various 911 conspiracy believers.  Because there's no evidence to support a conspiracy believer's notions, vaster still conspiracies are required.]

[Some 911 conspiracy theorists like to attempt to combine all outrageously unevidenced and seriously delusional beliefs into one massive conspiracy, combining the Roswell "flying saucer" crash, the John F. Kennedy murder, and endless historic beliefs about various conspires into one over-riding, world-spanning conspiracy.]

[Doing so allows the conspiracy believer to elevate his or her own importance in his or her own eyes.  It makes them feel vastly powerful -- possibly even more powerful than the superhuman powers that they're successfully exposing.]

Them Zionist Jews and the Mass Media

Today the US media is owned by 5 giant companies in which pro-Zionist Jews have disproportionate influence. More importantly, the values of the conglomerates reside in the broadcast licenses, which are granted by the government, and the corporations are run by corporate executives--not by journalists--whose eyes are on advertising revenues and the avoidance of controversy that might produce boycotts or upset advertisers and subscribers.

[While much of this is true, what's ironic here is that the claimant touched upon one of the solid reasons on why the United States media caters to the Bush regime and refuses to cover the Bush regime's crimes and treason: money.]

[It's ratings and money which drives the corporate power structure in the United States.  Conceivably one might be able to call the overwhelming greed of corporations and individuals which places the health and safety of nations a distant second to profits a "conspiracy," however it's not a secret.]

Americans who rely on the totally corrupt corporate media have no idea what is happening anywhere on earth, much less at home.

[True, however that doesn't explain why 911 conspiracy kooks adopt a different suit of obvious lies to believe.  It also doesn't excuse 911 conspiracy kooks' own lies.  Finally it says nothing about the validity of so many of the outrageous notions that 911 conspiracy kooks have adopted.]

Despite the dark days in which we live, some readers find optimism in recent polls that show more than one-third of the US public now disbelieve the official account of 9/11 despite the Bush regime's propaganda faithfully trumpeted by the US media.

Bush's own rock-bottom polls show that Americans, like the Russians of the Soviet era, can read between the lines of the propagandistic US media. Many Americans can still spot a liar and a cheat when they see one.

[And presumably there's mass irony in the inability to see the mote in one's own eye.]

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

homepage: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14566.htm

Unfortunate Occult Kook Stephen Jones

Another aspect about conspiracy believers in general is the ability for otherwise intelligent people who profess to be scientists to adopt unscientific occult beliefs which are then used as "authority" by followers.  Followers pretend that because their "authority" has legitimacy, their leader lends credibility to their unevidenced notions.

Nobody within the 911 conspiracy kook arena has managed to obtain a higher level of this phenomena than a kook called Stephen Jones[25] who works at the Mormon cult's University in Utah.  (The cult's staff have issued statements stating that while they uphold Jones' right to speak, they don't support his amusingly unscientific notions.)

No legitimate, credible, peer-reviewed science journal will publish the writings of conspiracy kooks who don't employ science.  Traditionally such kooks are relegated to publishing in political magazines, fake "journals" that are created specifically for conspiracy advocates or for fellow cultists.  (There have been exceptions to this.  Some times kook papers are published in peer-reviewed journals and are then followed by debunkings.

To be sure Creationist cults "self-publish" and play pretend that they're scientists publishing in "peer-reviewed journals" more than 911 conspiracy kooks do, but Creationists have been around for some 10,000 years and have been publishing and playing pretend since before the advent of the printing press.

Like all other 911 conspiracy kooks, Jones employs all the usual unscientific notions and fatal logic fallacies.  He starts out from unevidenced notions -- such as the World Trade Center buildings falling at free fall speeds (see "Building 7"[26]) and then launches off into a description of the physics involved in such a free falling building, ignoring the fact that the buildings' collapse times are consistent with resisted falling.

Fellow conspiracy believers examine such logic fallacies, stumble through the physics offered, and believe that their unevidenced notions are thus proven beyond all doubt since the physics "agrees" with them.  The fact that the premise upon which the conspiracy kooks' efforts are predicated are false and debunks the belief at the start is ignored.

This is a very common behavioral trait among conspiracy believers.  They'll latch on to someone they want to believe is an authority because the person validates their unevidenced notions.  The fact that ten thousand engineers and scientists dismiss Jones as a kook is something that believers either don't notice, attribute to "the conspiracy," or pass off as "well, they don't know what we know."  The fact that physics and science is what doesn't agree with Jones and his fellow kooks is dismissed utterly.

The Survival of Conspiracy Kook Notions

One of the longest-lasting conspiracy notions in the United States is the belief that the United States Air Force shot down at least one flying saucer outside of Roswell, New Mexico, and recovered a number of alien bodies from the wreckage.

This amusing belief became established solely due to the United States needing to keep secret the actual Project Mogul balloon project being conducted which sought to monitor Soviet above-ground nuclear testing.  Because of the secrecy involved in the project, when the balsa wood, sheet plastic, flower-patterned adhesive tape, and balloon fragment remains from one secret flight were recovered near Roswell, the U. S. Government set the stage for conspiracy believers to adopt one of the more long-lasting, soundly debunked kook notions that survive up to today.

Conspiracy kooks who profess to believe that aliens from flying saucers were recovered from New Mexico utilize their belief as justification and as launching points for further unevidenced belief.  Indeed, in the old "X-Files" television series, Christ Carter -- the creator of the series -- had the show's writers depict this phenomena rather amusingly.

In "X-Files" a flying saucer conspiracy kook is captured trespassing on some government property while trying to collect evidence of whatever conspiracy was afoot.  As the individual is handcuffed and dragged away, the flying saucer kook yells, "Roswell!  Roswell!" which was very amusing.

At core in that obviously fantasy television series' depiction of flying saucer believers is the behavioral trait of connecting one's own predicament to grander, sinister, at times world-spanning conspiracies, all of which makes one's predicament not of one's own making.

Get pulled over for speeding three times this week?  It's a conspiracy, obviously, and not one's own fault for chronic speeding.  (In fact something much like this has been observed in the Usenet newsgroup alt.impeach.bush and on various web sites.  See "Secret Police[27]" for specifics.)

The ability of obvious flights of delusional fantasy to survive for decades certainly means that many of the profoundly and solidly debunked notions advocated by 911 conspiracy kooks will be with us far into the foreseeable future.

[1]The "911 Scholars for Truth" are primarily an Internet phenomena
[6]"Unsalted" because salted nuts taste better than unsalted nuts.