Tuesday, February 28, 2012

SCAM: Promotion of David "reptilian" Icke for OWS

David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester

 Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:22 pm  

David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester

G'Day All --

David Icke has been disparaged from time to time in the past, for espousing some
seemingly far-fetched ideas.

But with regard to many topics his perspectives appear well thought-out and
quite credible. The following two commentaries fall into this latter category
and are very much worth watching:

David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester -- Part 1

David Icke: The One-Party State (Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester
-- Part 2)


Note: A few days ago I posted a link to a 39 year-old movie entitled "Executive
Action," that's currently available on-line:


Some people asked why I thought it was worth all the fuss.

After you watch David Icke's presentations, above, try taking a look at the
fictional (??) movie, and the concept of power-elites secretly controlling major
national events from behind the scenes will be well-illustrated.


I hope you'll find this material to be informative.

If so, please send it along to others likely to appreciate it.

If you have questions or comments, share them with the rest of us.

Best wishes,

Dave Matthews
