Networks: American Free Press, Barnes Review
Doddering theologian too senile to recognise which publications and radio stations are run by white supremacists and which aren't. Able to project a cosy fatherly figure while droning on for hours about various conspiracies around the 9/11 attacks. Used as bait by Truther groups when they need to put on a reasonable façade and recruit new blood.
The last David "Bait" Griffin speaking event hosted by the group was in 2007:
Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance hosts an appearance by David Ray GriffinAlso promoted at indymedia:
who will discuss his new book, titled:
"Debunking 9/11 Debunking,
An Answer to Popular Mechanics and other Defenders of
the Official Conspiracy Theory".
Monday, May 21st, 7 pmSmith Memorial Union BallroomPortland State University1825 SW BroadwayPortland, OR 97201
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – APRIL 27, 2007Contact: Mel Reslor: 503 291 5436 pdxdirt@intergate.com
3707 SW 52nd Place #9
Portland OR 97221
David Morrison: 503 295 6882 morrison@morrisonbooks.com
Glen Owen: 503 287 3473 theKnownUniverse@yahoo.com
Sara Lamadrid: 503 703 4993 casseia@yahoo.com
Date/Time: Monday, May 21st, 2007 (7:00 pm)
Location: Portland State University, Smith Center Ballroom 1825 SW Broadway,
Portland OR
Tickets: $10.00 / door, $5.00 students seniors; Advance www.BrownPaperTickets.com
The PDX 911 Truth Alliance hosts a lecture & book signing with Professor David
Ray Griffin. Prof Griffin introduces his new book “Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An
Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy
Theory.” Griffin takes on defenders and debunkers who have been trying to defend
the official story of 9/11 against a vast body of research compiled by a worldwide
9/11 truth movement that has risen in spite of political and media suppression.
Dr. David Ray Griffin, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont
School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University and coDirector
of the Center for Process
Studies, will be discussing the 911 Truth agenda in Portland for the first time. Griffin is currently
a codirector
of the Center for Process Studies, and one of the foremost contemporary exponents
of process theology and probably the most respected exponent of theories questioning the Bush
Administration’s account of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. He is the author of more than 20 books on
subjects including postmodern theology, parapsychology, process philosophy, and 9/11. Currently
Dr. Griffin devotes most of his time to researching, writing and lecturing about the events of 911
and the involvement of the Bush Administration. His current book, “Debunking 9/11 Debunking”
(Olive Branch Press) will be the subject of his discussion and copies of the book will be available
for signing. His other books on 9/11 are: “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about
the Bush Administration and 9/11.” “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.”
“The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God: A Political, Economic, Religious
Statement,” coauthored
with John B. Cobb Jr., Richard Falk, and Catherine Keller. “Christian
Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action.”
: Students United for Nonviolence of Portland State University
and KBOO Radio: 90.7 fm
Caution: Griffin by himself is feeble and harmless, but invariably surrounded by truther cult sharks looking for blood.
Cognitive Infiltration or OMG CASS SUNSTEIN!!

To most people "Cognitive Infiltration" is another tome of conspiracy spam. To "truthers" PROOF all is wrong with the world. Used to dismiss any rational or sane criticism of the conspiracy du jour:
blogger 1: Did you hear? Reptilians are behind the Jewish Bilderberger banks on the far side of the moon!
blogger 2: Get a grip. There are no "reptilian jews".
[Under construction]
Group Speaking event promotions:
Re: David Ray Griffin
Post by admin on Apr 28, 2007, 1:34am
Contact: Mel Reislor: 503 291 5436 pdxdirt@intergate.com
3707 SW 52nd Place #9
Portland OR 97221
David Morrison: 503 295 6882 morrison@morrisonbooks.com
Sara Lamadrid: 503-703-4993 casseia@yahoo.com
Date/Time: Monday, May 21st, 2007 (7:00 pm)
Location: Portland State University, Smith Center Ballroom 1825 SW Broadway, Portland Or.
Tickets: 10.00 / door or www.brownpapertickets.com
The PDX 911 Truth Alliance hosts a lecture & book signing with Professor David Ray Griffin. Dr. Griffin introduces his new book “Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory.” Griffin takes on defenders and debunkers who have been trying to defend the official story of 9/11 against a vast body of research compiled by a world-wide 9/11 truth movement that has risen in spite of political and media suppression.
Dr. David Ray Griffin, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University and co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, will be visiting Oregon for the first time since attending the University of Oregon as a young student. Griffin is currently a co-director of the Center for Process Studies, and one of the foremost contemporary exponents of process theology and probably the most respected exponent of theories questioning the Bush Administration’s account of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. He is the author of more than 20 books on subjects including postmodern theology, parapsychology, process philosophy, and 9/11. Currently Dr. Griffin devotes most of his time to researching, writing and lecturing about the events of 911 and the involvement of the Bush Administration. His current book, “Debunking 9/11 Debunking” (Olive Branch Press) will be the subject of his discussion and copies of the book will be available for signing. His other books on 9/11 are: “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11.” “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.” “The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God: A Political, Economic, Religious Statement,” co-authored with John B. Cobb Jr., Richard Falk, and Catherine Keller. “Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action.”
Co-Sponsors: Students For Non-Violence
General » Politics and Society » David Ray Griffin....
David Ray Griffin
Post by halva on Apr 26, 2007, 4:06pm
Contact: Mel Reislor: 503 291 5436 pdxdirt@intergate.com
3707 SW 52nd Place #9
Portland OR 97221
David Morrison: 503 295 6882 morrison@morrisonbooks.com
Sara Lamadrid: 503-703-4993 casseia@yahoo.com
Date/Time: Monday, May 21st, 2007 (7:00 pm)
Location: Portland State University, Smith Center Ballroom 1825 SW Broadway, Portland Or.
Tickets: 10.00 / door or www.brownpapertickets.com
The PDX 911 Truth Alliance hosts a lecture & book signing with Professor David Ray Griffin. Dr. Griffin introduces his new book “Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory.” Griffin takes on defenders and debunkers who have been trying to defend the official story of 9/11 against a vast body of research compiled by a world-wide 9/11 truth movement that has risen in spite of political and media suppression.
Dr. David Ray Griffin, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University and co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, will be visiting Oregon for the first time since attending the University of Oregon as a young student. Griffin is currently a co-director of the Center for Process Studies, and one of the foremost contemporary exponents of process theology and probably the most respected exponent of theories questioning the Bush Administration’s account of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. He is the author of more than 20 books on subjects including postmodern theology, parapsychology, process philosophy, and 9/11. Currently Dr. Griffin devotes most of his time to researching, writing and lecturing about the events of 911 and the involvement of the Bush Administration. His current book, “Debunking 9/11 Debunking” (Olive Branch Press) will be the subject of his discussion and copies of the book will be available for signing. His other books on 9/11 are: “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11.” “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.” “The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God: A Political, Economic, Religious Statement,” co-authored with John B. Cobb Jr., Richard Falk, and Catherine Keller. “Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action.”
Co-Sponsors: Students For Non-Violence
Re: David Ray Griffin
Post by admin on Apr 26, 2007, 4:17pm
Hi halva,
Do you know if he will be the New York area, and is his book out yet?
Re: David Ray Griffin
Post by halva on Apr 28, 2007, 1:28am
Hi Swamp.
I think his book is out. I don't know about New York.
You could ask David Morrison both these questions. His phone number is on the announcement above.
Re: David Ray Griffin
Post by halva on May 2, 2007, 5:46am
This is David Ray Griffin's take on George Monbiot:
In “Bayoneting a Scarecrow The 9/11 conspiracy theories are a coward’s cult.” (Guardian, February 20), George Monbiot accuses members of the 9/11 truth movement of being “morons” and “idiots” who believe in “magic.” Having in his previous attack---“A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world,” Guardian, February 6---called me this movement’s “high priest,” he now describes my 9/11 writing as a “concatenation of ill-attested nonsense.”
03/07/07 "ICH " -- - If my books are moronic nonsense, then people who have endorsed them must be morons. Would Monbiot really wish to apply this label to Michel Chossudovsky, Richard Falk, Ray McGovern, Michael Meacher, John McMurtry, Marcus Raskin, Rosemary Ruether, Howard Zinn, and the late Rev. William Sloane Coffin, who, after a stint in the CIA, became one of America’s leading civil rights, anti-war, and anti-nuclear activists?
If anyone who believes that 9/11 was an inside job is by definition an idiot, then Moncbiot would have to sling that label at Colonel Robert Bowman, former head of the U.S. “Star Wars” program; Andreas von Bülow, former State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defense; former CIA analysts Bill Christison and Robert David Steele; former Scientific American columnist A. K. Dewdney; General Leonid Ivashov, former chief of staff of the Russian armed forces; Colonel Ronald D. Ray, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense; all the members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, Veterans for 9/11 Truth, and Pilots for 9/11 Truth; and most of the individuals listed under “Professors Question 9/11” on the “Patriots Question 9/11” website.
One of the reasons these people reject the government’s conspiracy theory is that, if they were to accept the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Centre, they would need to affirm magical beliefs. A few examples:
The Twin Towers came straight down, which means that each building’s 287 steel columns all had to fail simultaneously; to believe this could happen without explosives is to believe in magic.
At the onset of each tower’s collapse, steel beams were ejected out as far as 600 feet; to believe that these horizontal ejections could be explained by gravitational energy, which is vertical, is to believe in magic.
Virtually all of the concrete in the towers was pulverized into extremely fine dust particles; to believe that fire plus gravity could have done this is to believe in magic.
WTC 7 and the towers came down at virtually free-fall speed, meaning that the lower floors, with all their steel and concrete, provided no resistance to the upper floors; to believe this could happen without explosives is to believe in magic.
Pools of molten metal were found under each building. Because steel does not begin to melt until it reaches about 1,540°C and yet the fires could not have gotten over 1000°C, to accept the fire theory is to believe in magic.
Monbiot, regarding the 9/11 truth movement’s conspiracy theory as a wrong-headed distraction, fails to see that the obviously false and truly distracting conspiracy theory is the official 9/11 myth, which has been used to justify imperial wars and increased militarism, thereby distracting attention from global apartheid and the ecological crisis. We focus on the 9/11 myth because, until it is exposed, getting our governments to focus wholeheartedly on the truly urgent issues of our time will be impossible.
David Ray Griffin has published over 30 books, including four about 9/11. His next book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory, will be out in April.
Re: David Ray Griffin
Post by halva on May 23, 2007, 3:27am
David Ray Griffin and Community Celebrate Sell-out Event at P.S.U. Monday Night
author: jail bush cheney richard myers e-mail: morrison@morrisonbooks.com
David Ray Griffin PSU Appearance Nearly Sells Out. 600 hear about 9/11 truth and have books signed.
The Monday night talk by David Ray Griffin, author of "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" and more than 20 other books, was more of a success than anyone could have imagined. Griffin, Professor Emeritus of Claremont College of Theology, Spoke to a capacity crowd of about 600 people in the Smith Ballroom at P.S.U. Copies of Griffin's new book, "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" were signed after the Talk. People began showing up for tickets at 5 pm and lines began to back up as early as a half hour before the talk which started 10 minutes late to accomodate late comers. Book sales were brisk. As expected, the event was totally ignored by the mainstream media.
The PDX9/11 Truth Alliance has become a major force in bringing the truth about 9/11 to a community of diverse citizens eager for information that counters the official "conspiracy theory." After the talk, Griffin, his videographer Ken Jenkins were rushed to a secret underground location to celebrate the great success. The PDX 911 Truth alliance invites those interested to join us at Laughing Horse Books Wednesday nights at 7 pm. Laughing Horse is located just a few feet north of Burnside on N.E. 10th. For more information about Griffin see: http://mindfully.org/Reform/2006/911-David-Ray-Griffin30mar06.htm Copies of Griffins new and previous books on 9/11 are available at Laughing Horse Books.
The next event on tap with PDX9/11 truth will be an appearance by Dr. Robert Bowman, ex-head of the "Star Wars" program under Bush, Sr. and Carter. He was also a candidate for Congress from Florida in the last "election." Bowman was also a decorated fighter pilot in Viet Nam and an interceptor pilot for the air force. Bowman in an outspoken member of the 9/11 truth community and comes from a place of direct knowledge of how the defense system works. this will be on the 21st of June, location to be announced. Those interested are encouraged to email for details.
David Morrison is enrolled at Gastronamus. Want to add anything to this report David?
Quoted for lulz: "After the talk, Griffin, his videographer Ken Jenkins were rushed to a secret underground location to celebrate the great success.
Who do these faggots think they're fooling?
Brown Paper Tickets promotion:
Sara Lamadrid
I have not set my description.
David Ray Griffin: Debunking 9/1...
May 21, 2007 7:00 PMThis was my event. [View Event]
David Ray Griffin: Debunking 9/11 DebunkingSmith Memorial Union Ballroom
Portland, OR
Smith Memorial Union Ballroom
Portland State University
Portland, OR
United StatesEvent
David Ray Griffin: Debunking 9/11 DebunkingTheologian and spokesperson for the 9/11 Truth movement, David Ray Griffin will appear in Portland to discuss his latest book: Debunking 9/11 Debunking. Griffin exposes the abject failure of books such as the Popular Mechanics’ hitpiece, Debunking 9/11 Myths, as well as examining the apparent inability of NIST and FEMA to explain the observed events of 9/11 without resorting to logical fallacy and bad science.![]()
Smith Memorial Union Ballroom
Portland State University
Portland, OR
United StatesCategories
Owner: Sara Lamadrid On BPT Since: Apr 02, 2007 Sara Lamadrid 911truth@portland-or.net... http://www.911truthportlan...